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In just four months, the NHRC in Kaduna has received 268 allegations of human rights breaches

According to the NHRC, the majority of these instances include domestic violence, forced marriage, problems with parents, wrongful arrest and incarceration, and difficulties related to inheritance and entitlements.

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According to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) office in Kaduna State, 268 reports of human rights breaches were received in the first quarter of 2024.

Twenty cases have been ended, according to Terngu Gwar, the state coordinator, who spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kaduna on Thursday. A total of 248 cases are currently undergoing intervention in different ways.

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He claims that most of the cases include problems with parental rights, forced marriage, domestic violence, wrongful arrest and incarceration, and inheritance and entitlements.

“Force marriage, rape, trafficking, child custody, and abandonment of wives and families make up the remaining cases,” he stated.

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According to Mr. Gwar, the commission has mediated issues involving families and couples, but he also mentioned that following extensive investigations, a few of these instances were sent to court.

He elaborated by saying that the Nigerian Army, Civil Defence, Ministry of Justice, and Police all work together with the NHRC to resolve certain instances.

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The coordinator emphasized that the commission’s dedication to safeguarding, promoting, and enforcing people’ fundamental human rights would not waver.

He emphasized that citizens should report cases of right-to-life violations to his office so that it may take appropriate action and promised that all outstanding cases would be resolved in a timely manner.

In order to prevent rights violations, Mr. Gwar pleaded with the government of Kaduna State to create a more accommodating atmosphere, strictly enforce current laws, and establish new policies and legal safeguards.

He went on to say that everyone should do everything they can to make sure that girls, women, and children are safe in their homes, schools, and places of employment.

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