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2024 WPFD: The Nigerian government has acknowledged the difficulties faced by journalists

Idris Muhammed, minister of information and national orientation, has expressed his dismay at the difficulties journalists have while doing their jobs.

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The Minister recognized that journalists, in their role as protectors of the environment, frequently encounter threats, harassment, and even physical assault due to their bravery in exposing environmental wrongdoing and safeguarding the planet.

“A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of Environmental Crisis” was the theme of the joint news conference that the Minister addressed as part of the festivities marking the 2024 World Press Freedom Day.

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“Journalists stand up as protectors of truth and advocates for accountability in the midst of this catastrophe. He talked about how they bring attention to environmental injustices, misconduct, and the voices of people impacted by environmental degradation.

“They advocate for policies that promote sustainability and safeguard our planet through their investigative reporting and hold governments and corporations accountable for their actions.”

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He made a point of saying that the topic for this year is quite in line with the goals of the ministry and with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s priorities, which include reestablishing confidence, shifting national values, and facilitating the media.

The minister emphasized that the current government values responsible media coverage for its ability to educate, inform, and enlighten both Nigerians and people around the globe.

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In honor of World Press Freedom Day, let us restate our steadfast resolve to defend the First Amendment rights of journalists and keep them safe while they do their jobs.

Press freedom is crucial for environmental sustainability, and we believe this to be true on a deeper level than as a basic human right.

We will not be able to solve the complicated environmental problems we face unless the press is free and independent.

“The public’s capacity to comprehend environmental challenges and to take effective action is impeded by disinformation and misinformation.

Press freedom and the efforts of truth-seeking journalists must, therefore, be vested interests. “Responsible journalism, on the other hand, is a flip side of press freedom,” he added.

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