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National Alliance to Stop the Birth of HIV/AIDS in Honor of Children’s Day

The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) has stated that no kid deserves to be born with HIV, especially in this period distinguished by advanced technology and innovation, in recognition of this year’s Children’s Day.

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Dr. Temitope Ilori, director-general of NACA, emphasized that all of us have a tremendous obligation to look out for the health, happiness, and well-being of children on Children’s Day (May 27) each year.

Dr. Ilori stressed the need to combat a major public health concern impacting the nation’s youth in a statement released to the media on Sunday: the transfer of HIV from mothers to their children.

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The goal of ensuring that no kid is born with HIV is something that Dr. Ilori emphasized on this particular day.

More significant pledges should be made to protect children’s health, as the NACA DG emphasized the significance of preventing preventable diseases, such as HIV.

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As we remember our children on this day, let us also resolve to shield them from avoidable harm, such as the spread of HIV. It is within our ability to prevent the transmission of HIV, thus no child should have to start life carrying the virus. According to her, we can guarantee that all children have a chance to grow up healthy and strong by enhancing services for Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT).

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